Personal Stories from the Macafem Community

 January 2, 2023

 Hot flashes, Vaginal dryness

I started taking Macafem in Feb 2022. It has helped both the hot flashes and vaginal dryness. I am so glad I found this pill on line. I was taking two in the morning and one at night. I now take one pill and the morning and one at night and is working great. I still have a hot flash once in a while but nothing like before. Best of all the

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 December 19, 2022

Not through my very 1st bottle yet, but, feeling like less belly fat, appetite decreased, mood stabilizing, hair and skin feel less dried out . It appears to be making my hormones live in harmony again. Very excited and just ordered 3 more bottles!! Praying 🙏 that the benefits continue to improve!

 October 12, 2022

 Bloating, Hot flashes, Night sweats

Hot flashes, night sweats and bloating are much less than before I started taking Macafem.

 October 8, 2022

 Irregular periods

I have had trouble with fibroid tumors. My last resort was surgery, but with costs as high as they are even with insurance, I could not afford it nor was I sure I wanted to go through with that anyway. Macafem has been a blessing. I have not had trouble with the severe bleeding I was having, sometimes for a month at a time and at alarming

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 August 15, 2022

 Hair loss, Hot flashes, Sleep disorders

It works well for me, so much so that I eventually feel so normal and think I no longer need it! Then I stop for a while and come to realize how much I do need it! It helps me with cognitive function, hot flashes, sleep and, most of all, hair loss!

 July 7, 2022

My night sweats and hot flashes continued 8 years after starting menopause. I had to do something and Macafem sounded like just the relief I needed, without having to go see a doctor. Macafem has completely stopped my hot flashes and night sweats in less than a week.

 June 20, 2022

 Hot flashes, Weight gain

It’s been 2 months just starting my 3Rd month I noticed a change right after the first month no weight loss but no ore weight gain, hot flashes are much less still have them but NO where near what they were sleeping better, less brain fog

 May 20, 2022

 Energy levels, Irregular periods

Grateful I found Macafem and experienced immediate relief from perimenopause issues. Shortly after starting Macafem, I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism and began treatment for that. However, with Macafem, I had a quick and significant improvement in my energy, dry eyes, and irregular cycle. My period is still not regular, as

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 May 18, 2022

I've used Macafem for years.  Recently I ordered yet another supply and an unexpected problem occurred (due to no fault of Macafem, might I add, but which led to my order needing to be cancelled and having to re-order). I had the pleasure of working with customer service representative, Mirella O., who patiently and pleasantly assisted,

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 April 24, 2022

 Hot flashes

In just 1 month this has helped tremendously with my hot flashes. Thank you!!!