Depression is a real disorder, and it should not be written off as something that “just happens during menopause.” Depression occurs twice as often in women than in men, with 20% of all women experiencing depression at some point in their lives. During menopause, women are more prone to experiencing low moods or even clinical depression.

A 2010 review article in the medical journal Menopause by Ellen W. Freeman, PhD, analyzed data from several studies regarding women with depression. Several important associations were identified, including:

  • Menopausal women are 30% to three times more likely to experience depression during their transition than before it.
  • Women who have had depression earlier in their lives are five times more likely to develop major depression during menopause than those who didn’t.
  • Even women who have not experienced depression prior to menopause are two to four times more likely to report depressed moods compared to premenopausal women.

What Causes Depression?

Depression is a complex disorder that can be traced to various causes and differs greatly from individual to individual. While there is certainly a genetic component, external events can also influence the development of depression.

Why Are Menopausal Women More Vulnerable to Depression?

Again, many factors can foment the development of depression during menopause. The main physiological cause is changes in hormone levels, namely estrogen and progesterone. These hormone levels fluctuate during the menopause transition as the body prepares to stop menstruation. Estrogen plays a role in regulating mood via serotonin, the “feel-good” neurotransmitter. Given the prevalence of low moods among menopausal women, it is thought that these hormones may have other effects, though the extent is not known.

Risk Factors for Depression

Different circumstances can make a woman more likely to experience depression or contribute to her symptoms. These factors include:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Personal or family history of depression
  • High stress levels
  • Hot flashes, trouble sleeping, and other menopause symptoms
  • Obesity and other conditions
  • Financial strain and unemployment
  • Major life events, such as children leaving home, parents falling ill, or divorce
  • Lack of a social support network
  • Negative feelings towards menopause and aging
  • Smoking
  • Low self-esteem

How Macafem Helps Relieve Depression

Macafem is an all-natural supplement that can serve as an accompaniment to the treatment of depression, as it balances hormone levels. It does this by nourishing the body’s endocrine glands with its distinctive alkaloids and essential nutrients, which helps the glands produce the hormones that the body needs – like estrogen and progesterone – at the right levels. The supplement does not contain any synthetic or plant-based hormones, but rather benefits the endocrine system directly.

By nourishing the hormonal glands, Macafem also reduces other symptoms of menopause. Since hot flashes and other symptoms often contribute to depression, balancing hormone levels will help relieve menopausal depression on several levels and lead to overall well-being.

Find out more about how Macafem works.

Depression FAQs

1. Is depression normal during menopause?

While menopause is recognized as a window of vulnerability in which women are more likely to experience depression, the disorder should not be brushed off as an evitable part of menopause. Prolonged periods of low mood can and should be treated.

2. Are there different types of depression?

Yes. Major depression is linked to hormonal changes and many other potential factors. Dysthymic disorder is similar to major depression, but the symptoms are usually milder yet more persistent. Other forms of depression, though usually not related to menopause, include bipolar disorder (manic depression), psychotic depression, and seasonal affective disorder.

3. How long does depression last?

There is no firm answer. Depression is highly variable by individual.

4. What should I do if I feel like committing suicide or know someone who does?

Search for a suicide hotline in your area. All calls are kept confidential. If someone you know has expressed suicidal thoughts, accompany them to the hospital or call a suicide hotline.

5. How can depression be treated?

Many options are available, and they can be combined as necessary depending on each individual’s needs. Regular exercise and relaxation techniques can both help. Treating underlying conditions and menopause symptoms that are contributing to depression is also vital. Counseling, also referred to as “talk therapy” or psychotherapy, is a generally-recommended component of depression treatment. Finally, antidepressant medication is available. This medication may be necessary in severe cases of depression, and there is no shame in taking it.

6. When should a woman see a doctor about depression?

When low moods and a loss of interest in previously-enjoyed activities continue for 14 consecutive days, she may be experiencing depression and should visit her primary care provider or a psychiatrist. Other symptoms to look out for include:

  • Changes in appetite
  • Unexplained weight loss or gain
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Lack of motivation or lethargy
  • Feelings of hopelessness, guilt, or worthlessness
  • Missing appointments or other obligations
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Thoughts of suicide or self-harm

7. How can Macafem be taken to relieve depression?

As a complement to depression treatment, Macafem is typically taken at a dosage of three tablets per day with breakfast. However, this dose can be varied from one to six tablets depending on each woman’s symptoms and her body’s response to the supplement.

Other Symptoms of Menopause

Depression and other menopause symptoms arise due to hormonal imbalance during this transition. While each woman may experience different symptoms to varying degrees, they can be traced to changes in hormone levels.

Macafem provides natural relief from the following symptoms: