Approximately 39 – 47% of perimenopausal women and 35 – 60% of postmenopausal women experience some kind of sleep disturbance, compared to only 16 – 42% of women who have not yet entered menopause. This can include trouble falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, early morning wakefulness, problems breathing while asleep, and more.

A 2012 study published in the medical journal Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America compiled data on sleep disorders in menopause from previous research in addition to presenting data from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation. Some important factors regarding who is more likely to develop sleep disorders were identified:

  • Menopause stage. The prevalence of sleeping problems increases from premenopause through late perimenopause, and then remains elevated in postmenopause.
  • Onset of menopause. Women who start the menopause transition at a younger age tend to experience more severe sleep disturbances.
  • Race. Caucasian women are the most likely to experience sleep disorders, with 40% of white participants reporting problems. On the other hand, only about 30% of Asian women reported sleep problems.
  • Other menopause symptoms. Women who experience frequent hot flashes and night sweats are much more likely to have trouble sleeping. In fact, women who experience sweating episodes on 6 – 14 days of a two-week span are two to three times more likely to have sleep problems.

What Causes Sleep Disorders?

Many factors come together in the development of sleep problems, but the primary one during menopause is changes in hormone levels. In particular, fluctuations in estrogen levels affect sleep quality, in part because this hormone regulates some neurotransmitters, like serotonin. Abnormal spikes in estrogen levels can also hinder the rapid eye movement phase of sleep. In addition, increases in follicle stimulating hormone levels are associated with trouble staying asleep.

Progesterone is another important hormone when it comes to sleep. Among its many effects in the body, progesterone helps create a sleepy feeling. This hormone also plays a role in stimulating respiration. Therefore, fluctuations in progesterone levels during menopause can result in insomnia or even sleep apnea.

Sleep Disorder Risk Factors

Sleep problems during menopause may be worsened by factors besides hormonal changes. The following make a woman more likely to experience trouble sleeping:

  • Stress
  • Financial strain
  • Frequent hot flashes and night sweats
  • Anxiety
  • Conditions like thyroid disorders and urinary incontinence
  • Outside demands and social obligations
  • Excessive caffeine consumption

How Macafem Relieves Sleep Disorders

Macafem works to alleviate sleep disorders during menopause by balancing hormone levels. It contains both essential nutrients and unique alkaloids that provide nourishment to the glands of the endocrine system. With this support, the glands are better capable of producing the body’s different hormones at balanced levels.

Macafem is a safe and natural supplement that typically produces better sleep within a week. It does not contain any type of hormones, but rather helps the body’s own endocrine system work optimally.

Find out more about how Macafem works.

Sleep Disorders FAQs

1. What are the common symptoms of sleep disorders?

The exact symptoms can vary by individual and also depend on the sleep disorder experienced. The most common symptoms are trouble falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, and drowsiness during waking hours.

2. Can any habits reduce sleep disorders?

Timing is important when it comes to sleep disorders. Refraining from exercise and eating in the two hours leading up to bedtime can make it easier to fall asleep. Stress relief techniques – such as yoga and meditation – can also help relax the body and get it ready for sleep. It’s also important to avoid caffeine and other stimulants in the evening.

3. What sleep disorders are women likely to experience during menopause?

Women in menopause often experience some form of insomnia. Other sleep disorders include:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Narcolepsy
  • Restless leg syndrome

4. How should Macafem be taken to promote quality sleep?

The typical Macafem dose is three tablets a day with breakfast. However, this can be adjusted to 1 – 6 tablets a day depending on each individual’s needs. If sleep does not improve within one month, the dosage can be doubled.

Other Symptoms of Menopause

As with sleep disorders, the root of menopause symptoms is hormonal imbalance, though each woman may experience different symptoms.

Macafem can alleviate the following symptoms in a natural way: