Hair loss is common part of menopause and aging; in fact, fewer than half of women retain a full head of hair throughout their lifetime. Around 50% of women over the age of 65 experience female pattern baldness, but for many women, hair loss and thinning sets in earlier, during perimenopause. Women may notice more hair falling out when they brush their hair. Hair loss can also manifest as a wider part or an overall thinner and less-full look.

A 2011 study published in the British Journal of Dermatology closely examined different aspects of hair loss in women during menopause. They found that compared to premenopausal women, menopausal women tend to have:

  • A slower hair growth rate
  • Smaller hair strand diameter
  • Lower hair density

What Causes Hair Loss?

Various factors can contribute to hair loss, but during the menopause transition, the main one is hormonal imbalance. The hair growth cycle and hair follicles are regulated by a complex interplay of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Changes in the levels of either of these hormones can affect hair growth.

In some women, hair loss is caused by a skewed ratio of estrogen to testosterone levels. Although testosterone levels may be normal, if estrogen levels are too low in comparison, hair loss may occur. Other women may experience hair loss due to a testosterone deficiency. Likewise, an excess of testosterone is also thought to trigger hair loss in women. Research on the exact relationship between these hormones and hair growth is still ongoing.

Age and family history also influence hair loss. With age, hair follicles shrink, causing the new hairs that come out to be thinner. However, because the follicles typically do not die off, it is thought that it is possible for hair to grow back.

Hair Loss Triggers

Hormones play a critical role in regulating hair growth, but other factors can worsen hair loss or trigger shedding. These include:

  • High stress levels
  • Iron deficiency
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Dyeing, bleaching, and other chemical treatments
  • Hard brushing, drying, and styling
  • Chemotherapy treatment

How Macafem Manages Hair Loss

Macafem helps halt hair loss and promote growth by balancing hormone levels in a natural way. When estrogen and testosterone are in the correct proportion to each other, hair growth is better regulated, and less hair is lost. The unique, beneficial alkaloids in Macafem nourish the endocrine system, or the network of hormone-producing glands in the body. With the help of the nutrients in Macafem, the endocrine system can better produce not only estrogen, but all the sex hormones the body needs for all its functions.
Macafem does not contain any hormones, whether synthetic or plant-based. Instead, hormonal balance is generated from inside the body. Macafem is a safe and natural supplement that reverses hair loss and helps women regain confidence in their self-image.

Learn more about how Macafem works.

Hair Loss FAQs

1. What is considered normal hair loss?

The scalp typically sheds 50 – 100 hairs a day as part of the regular hair growth cycle. A hair usually remains on the head for two to six years before it is shed naturally. This normal, daily hair loss should not change the overall appearance or fullness of the hair.

2. When do women first experience hair loss?

Most women notice hair loss in their mid-forties. However, some women may experience it earlier depending on genetics and hair care, while other women may not even have hair thinning during the menopause transition. Menopause and aging are highly individual experiences.

3. What type of hair loss is most common in women?

Women, especially during menopause, tend to experience androgenic alopecia, which is thinning in the hair linked to changes in estrogen and testosterone levels. Other types of hair loss are:

  • Telogen effluvium. This is copious hair loss typically due to stress and nutrient deficiencies.
  • Alopecia areata. This is a genetic autoimmune disease. It often affects all of the body’s hair, not just on the head.
  • Trichotillomania. Severe anxiety disorders can compel women to pull out their own hair.
  • Traction alopecia. This is hair loss caused externally by damaging styles.

4. Can hair loss be concealed?

Yes, hair loss can be camouflaged with wigs, hair extensions, hair implants, hats, and head scarves.

5. Is hair loss permanent?

Whether or not hair loss is permanent depends on the type of hair loss being experienced, as well as genetics. In many women, hair loss is temporary, but it may take months or years for hair to grow back on its own.

6. Are there other treatments for hair loss?

Treatments for hair loss depend on the cause. Avoiding triggers and balancing hormone levels are the first steps. Women who are experiencing hair loss related to high testosterone levels and are also overweight should aim to keep their body mass index (BMI) within a healthy range. Finasteride and minoxidil are clinical preparations that are used to treat hair loss with varying degrees of success.

7. How should Macafem be taken to stop hair loss and promote growth?

To relieve hair loss and other symptoms of hormone imbalance during menopause, Macafem is typically taken as three tablets a day with breakfast. Due to the nature of the hair growth cycle, it may take several months for hair to reappear.

Other Symptoms of Menopause

Often, hormonal imbalance is the root of hair loss and other symptoms during the menopause transition. Because hormones regulate so many processes, symptoms can appear all over the body.

Macafem can naturally relieve the following symptoms: