Fatigue is a complex symptom that is still not fully understood. During menopause, women often experience bouts of fatigue that come and go. This fatigue can also develop into a condition called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) when it lasts longer than six months.

A 2015 study published in the medical journal Menopause examined factors that are associated with chronic fatigue syndrome in women. In this six-year case-control study of 157 women, the researchers found that:

  • Early and surgical menopause are strongly associated with CFS.
  • Irregular periods, endometriosis, and pelvic pain are also associated with CFS, though it is uncertain if these conditions contribute to the fatigue or vice versa.

What Causes Fatigue?

It is likely that fatigue is influenced by several factors, including aging, changes in hormone levels, and life circumstances. During the menopause transition, other menopause symptoms can contribute to or even be the main cause of fatigue. Night sweats and insomnia can interrupt sleep and lead to daytime tiredness. This can eventually create a vicious cycle that causes fatigue. These menopause symptoms arise due to hormonal imbalance that is characteristic of this transition.

Menopause is also a stressful time for many women. On top of bothersome physical and emotional symptoms, the transition often coincides with big life changes, such as children leaving home, parents falling ill, changing jobs, and other ordeals. This also worsens fatigue.

Fatigue Triggers

Fatigue during menopause is usually experienced as bouts that come and go rather than full-on chronic fatigue syndrome. Certain factors may set off a bout of fatigue, such as:

  • High stress levels
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Changes or disruptions in sleep schedule
  • Too much caffeine
  • Anxiety and fearfulness
  • Financial strain
  • Extreme boredom

How Macafem Relieves Fatigue

Macafem is a natural supplement that balances hormone levels. It contains unique alkaloids and essential micronutrients that nourish the hormonal glands, giving them the support they need to produce the body’s various hormones at balanced levels. This directly relieves hot flashes, night sweats, and other menopause symptoms that play a big part in the development of fatigue for most menopausal women. Because of its beneficial effect on the endocrine system, Macafem also promotes healthy energy levels and vitality.

Find out more about how Macafem works.

Fatigue FAQs

1. Can fatigue be a side effect of medications?

Yes. Antidepressants, antihistamines, sleeping pills, and steroids can have fatigue as a side effect. In addition, cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can induce fatigue.

2. Is fatigue a symptom of other conditions?

Yes, fatigue is a nonspecific symptoms that can potentially stem from anxiety, depression, arthritis, Addison disease, eating disorders, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, fibromyalgia, kidney disease, liver disease, and infections like tuberculosis, HIV, and mononucleosis. For this reason, a physician’s diagnosis is crucial.

3. Should I see a doctor about fatigue?

If fatigue is constant and lasts longer than two or three weeks, it’s a good idea to see your doctor. This is especially true if you have other symptoms alongside the fatigue. Symptoms to look out for include low urine output, blurred vision, ideations of suicide or self-harm, unintentional weight loss or gain, constant headaches, constipation, or dizziness. Having a doctor diagnose menopausal fatigue, CFS, or an underlying condition can clear up doubts and get a treatment plan underway.

4. What lifestyle changes can combat fatigue?

Although it can be difficult during menopause, it’s important to keep a consistent sleep schedule, including going to bed and waking up at the same time every day as well as avoiding long naps. Regular exercise, though counterintuitive, can improve energy levels and fight muscle loss. Middle-aged women tend to take on a lot of tasks and responsibilities, so don’t be afraid to ask for help if your to-do list is getting too long. Finally, keeping a record of when you feel fatigued and the situations surrounding those times can help you identify personal triggers.

5. How should Macafem be taken to relieve fatigue?

The typical Macafem dosage is three tablets taken daily with breakfast. However, this can be tweaked from between one and six tablets a day depending on the severity of the fatigue and the body’s response to the supplement. Though relief is normally experienced within two weeks, if the fatigue does not let up within 30 days, the standard dosage can be doubled to six tablets a day, split between breakfast and lunch.

Other Symptoms of Menopause

Other menopause symptoms can have a significant influence on fatigue. Since these symptoms all originate from hormonal imbalance, Macafem can provide relief. Find out more about the other symptoms of menopause: