Hot flashes are the most commonly-reported symptom of menopause: it’s estimated that 75 – 80% of American women will experience them. Hot flashes are an intense heat that spreads over the body, causing the face, neck, and chest to appear flushed. The experience of hot flashes can range from soft, mild heat to the sensation of engulfing flames.Hot flashes can last between a few seconds and a few minutes, though it can take up to half an hour for a woman to feel back to normal following an episode. The frequency also varies, with some women experiencing them no more than a couple times a week, while others face these episodes as many as 20 times per day.

In 2015, research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine shed significant light on hot flashes during menopause. The results came from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation, with over 1,400 participants with frequent hot flashes from seven different cities. The findings of this study include:

  • How long women experience hot flashes on average. Women with frequent flashes experienced them for an average of seven years during perimenopause and for the first four years of postmenopause.
  • Who is at risk. African-American women in the study tended to experience hot flashes for longer, with a median of 10 years, while Asian-American women had the shortest median duration at just five years.
  • Other factors that affect how long hot flashes last. Women in the study who were married or partnered, well-educated, and had a good social support network experienced hot flashes for fewer years.

What Causes Hot Flashes?

menopausesupport hot flashes
Hot flashes are caused by hormonal imbalance. Specifically, fluctuations in estrogen levels affect the hypothalamus, the portion of the brain that acts as a liaison between the nervous system and the hormonal system. One of the important functions of the hypothalamus is to regulate internal body temperature, like a thermostat.

During the menopause transition, changes in hormone levels often mean that the hypothalamus does not always function as efficiently. This can result in a “thermostat mishap” and set off a hot flash. Even though body temperature may be normal and comfortable, the hypothalamus incorrectly detects that the body is heating up. This prompts sweating and blood vessel dilation, which are the body’s normal ways of cooling down. This makes the skin flush and emanate heat.

Hot Flash Triggers

While the underlying cause of hot flashes is low estrogen levels impacting the hypothalamus, external and internal factors can trigger a hot flash episode. These triggers are highly individual and vary from woman to woman, though more universal triggers include:

  • High stress levels
  • Clothing made of non-breathable or itchy fabrics, like wool
  • Turtlenecks
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and soda
  • Spicy foods
  • Saunas

How Macafem Relieves Hot Flashes

Macafem decreases the frequency and intensity of hot flashes by naturally restoring hormonal balance. When estrogen is balanced, the brain doesn’t get mixed messages and overheat unnecessarily.

When taking Macafem, you should notice a decrease in your symptoms within a week, although best results are typically obtained within 30 days of continuous use.

The key lies in the natural, unique nutrients that Macafem contains. In particular, its beneficial alkaloids act by nourishing and stimulating the endocrine system as a whole, which encourages the body to produce hormones at balanced levels. Macafem does NOT contain any synthetic hormones or plant-based estrogens.

Macafem is a safe, natural, and effective supplement that helps alleviate hot flashes and other menopause symptoms, ultimately promoting overall health and well-being.

Learn more about how Macafem works.

Hot Flashes FAQs

1. When do women first get hot flashes?

Typically, women experience their first hot flashes when they are in perimenopause – that is, the period leading up to menopause when hormone levels first begin to fluctuate. For many women, this is in their mid-forties, though it is highly variable.

2. Why is it that some women experience worse hot flashes than others?

In talking to your friends and reading about women’s menopausal experiences, you have probably noticed that some women have severe and frequent hot flashes while others have few to none. Menopause is an individual and variable experience. Differences in hot flash experiences are likely related to genetics, race, age, hormone levels, stress levels, and triggers.

3. How common are hot flashes?

Up to 80% of women experience hot flashes during the menopause transition. Most of these women rate their flashes as moderate to severe.

4. How long do hot flashes last?

A single hot flash episode can last anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes on average. However, ember flashes, which are less intense but longer, have been reported to last for up to an hour. Women experience hot flash episodes for an average of seven years during perimenopause, though this can vary greatly from woman to woman.

5. Can things besides menopause cause hot flashes?

Other conditions can cause hot flashes, including panic disorder, fevers, diabetes, thyroid disorders, and in rare cases, cancer. Hot flashes can also be a side effect of medications, namely Raloxifene, Tamoxifen, and Gonadotropin analogues.

6. Do hot flashes merit a visit to the doctor?

Many women find that they can manage their hot flashes without the guidance of a medical professional. However, it is estimated that at least 10% of women experience severe hot flashes that are difficult to manage with lifestyle adjustments and remedies alone. If hot flashes are lowering your quality of life, a physician can recommend the proper course of treatment given your medical history and personal preferences. You should also see a doctor for hot flashes if they are accompanied by non-menopause symptoms.

7. How can hot flashes be managed?

Making lifestyle adjustments is typically the first recourse when managing hot flashes. Eating a well-balanced diet and exercising regularly is key. Avoiding triggers – such as high stress, caffeine, and spicy foods – is also recommended.

8. How should Macafem be taken to relieve hot flashes?

The beneficial alkaloids in Macafem help the body produce hormones at balanced levels. The dosage is adjustable, but the general recommendation is three tablets taken with breakfast every day. If this is not enough to relieve hot flashes within one month, they dosage can vary from 1 to 6 tablets a day.

Other Symptoms of Menopause

The symptoms of menopause stem from hormonal imbalance, which begins during perimenopause. On an individual basis, these changes can manifest quite differently, but most women will experience some degree of discomfort during this time of life.

Macafem can naturally relieve the following symptoms: